

来源:www.haichao.net  时间:2022-11-28 00:26   点击:151  编辑:admin   手机版




Key quality parametres and basic requirements for YK oscillating granulator include confirmation of user demands and function standards, which further include reviews on technical specifications and parametres of equipment to be procured, inspections on whether they are applicable for provided process flowsheet, legal and compliance requirements, calibration, maintenance and disinfection requirements etc, and the inspections need to be carried out comprehensively both on hardwares and softwares, so as to ensure that the equipment specifications are in line with what was outlined in the contract, and relavant services from the supplier should be honored according to the contract.


For YK swing quality pellet mill equipment and basic requirements of key criteria from a user needs to confirm the functional criteria, including technical specifications to confirm the purchase of the equipment. Examine the applicability of the technical parameters and indicators, examining its suitability for the production process, regulatory requirements, calibration, maintenance, cleaning and sterilization requirements, inspect from the hardware, software and a comprehensive evaluation of mechanical equipment to ensure compliance with specifications set by the contract specifications, according to the contract supervision and inspection provided by the respective suppliers service.
