发电机 技术动态 电机 空压机 磁力泵 水泵 图说机械 增压泵 离心泵 电磁阀 阀门 机床 止回阀 基础机械 蝶阀 截止阀 球阀 纺织 减压阀 压缩机 压滤机 液压件 气缸 保温材料 数控车床 打包机 贴标机 加工中心 激光打标机 包装机械 电焊机 印刷 换热器 工业机器人 铣床 冷水机 真空包装机 船舶 点胶机 柴油机 开槽机 模切机 制冷设备 蒸汽发生器 灌装机 氩弧焊机 吹瓶机 封边机 工业自动化 木工机械 焊接设备 激光焊接机 烫金机 套丝机 钢化炉 纸袋机 印刷机械 贴片机 工业烘干机 色选机 伺服电机 陶瓷机械设备 剪板机 折弯机 制砂机 压铸机 抛光机 注塑机 锅炉 3d打印机 模具 uv打印机 缝纫机 激光切割机 等离子切割机 破碎机 卷扬机 货架 精密空调 风机 高压风机 轴流风机 雕刻机 塑料托盘 温控器 工业洗衣机 管件 压力开关 孵化器 物流设备 冷却塔 真空泵 集装箱 燃气锅炉 超声波清洗机 齿轮箱 工控机 冷焊机 铣刨机 蒸汽清洗机 光刻机 弯管机 高压清洗机 塑料机械搬运机器人 深井泵 橡胶机械 螺杆泵 挤出机 齿轮油泵 循环泵 渣浆泵 自吸泵 齿轮泵 泥浆泵 气泵 蠕动泵 屏蔽泵 转子泵 伺服系统 气压罐 法兰 空气冷却器 绞盘 计量泵 PLC控制柜 回转支承 增压器 旋压机 液压设备 机械臂 硫化机 步进电机 抛丸机 航空发动机 燃气轮机 螺杆压缩机 谐波减速器 液压泵 行星减速机 螺丝机 齿条 机械密封 回转窑 颗粒机 水轮机 粉末冶金制品 补偿器 无刷电机 堆垛机 燃气调压器 燃烧器 旋转接头 给料机 空分设备 钻井机 电子束焊机 数控铣床 工业炉


来源:www.haichao.net  时间:2023-01-24 10:41   点击:165  编辑:admin   手机版

1. 关于机器人公司的介绍英语作文

Robot Elena

The name of the robot I want to invent is Elena. She is as tall as me. Her body is white and fat. It feels like a round balloon.

Elena's head is round, her eyes are big, and she has a small mouth. The most important thing is that her voice is not as hard as other robots, but very soft, so that she can be closer to us!

Every morning, Elena wakes me up and makes a special nutritious breakfast. She makes a variety of breakfast. She protected me like a bodyguard, so my parents didn't have to worry about my safety.

2. 关于机器人公司的介绍英语作文带翻译


3. 关于机器人的英语作文怎么写

Last week, to celebrate the school Science Festival, our class invited a robot expert to teach us how to make robots.

When the expert came into the classroom, we gave him a warm welcome and felt very excited. At the beginning, he taught us some knowledge about making robots. We sat around him and listened attentively. Then we started to have a try ourselves. Some of us put different parts of robots together; some were programming the robot with the help of the expert. Finally, the robot we made was able to move under our control in the show. Everyone applauded at our success and the expert gave us a thumbs-up.

We hope we can have more activities of this kind!

4. 关于介绍机器人的英语作文带翻译

Ladies and gentlemen,thank you for attending our company’s news conference.As you know,with the development of economy,people have to face various pressures.They don’t have enough time to attend to the old people in their family,which has become a prominent social problem.To solve this problem,our company put out the household robot,which is designed to take care of old people.It can cook meals at a fixed time which can be adjusted according to individual needs.It can also accompany old people in having a chat,playing chess,and doing exercises.Moreover,it can deal with emergencies.For example,if an old man falls ill suddenly,the robot will call doctors for help. It would be a great help for you if you own such a robot. Thank you.

5. 用英语写一篇关于机器人的作文

The robot I want is like a beautiful and lovely rabbit.I like rabbits very much.So my robbot has two lovely ears and two big eyes.Its skin is white, because I like white。

6. 介绍智能机器人的英语作文

Dear secretary general,

I am very glad to see your information about the robot competition to be held in our city. Now I am writing to you to apply for the position of volunteer participating in the competition. When I was very young, I showed great interest in playing robot toys.

As I grew older, I became more and more curious and interested in robots. I was very fascinated with robots. I spent all my spare time making and designing some model robots.

Some of them won prizes in invention competitions held by our school or other departments in our city They are proud. I am studying in a middle school in our city. During the summer vacation, I can spare some time to provide some services for the competition.

On the other hand, if I have the chance to participate in the competition, I can enrich my experience and knowledge in robot design

Yours Lihua

7. 介绍工业机器人的英语作文






